So, tell me the truth…

Recently I spent extended time with a man I greatly respect and whose counsel I readily accept. We were having a great conversation, when suddenly he got serious and asked, “So, tell me the truth, are you dying?”

Aren’t we all?

I consider this man a mentor. He is a security professional with intimate knowledge of all that's happening in Haiti. He's not the least bit naive to the realities as he's lived them with people. I value his counsel.

We continued talking through all the "Haiti stuff" in a way I can't talk about such things with too many people, and I was fully prepared for him to say, "I think you need to stop going to Haiti. The trip wires are gone."

Instead he said, "I think you need to keep going to Haiti. It's what will keep you alive." Wow. The irony of that statement.

For it, it was a powerful word from a man who knows Jesus - and knows risk management - and knows me.


I give hugs.


And he’s only 8 years old